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But the rest of the world is full of that mystery too. Its common enough to be compared to 'the sands of the desert'  (God, how I hate that euphemism) But that is only a single part of this vast, terrifying world. 

      There is also an underground area most fittingly titled 'The Underworld' by the top soil dwellers. But I'm forgetting about the most interesting and telling thing this world has to offer; it's species. I have whole entries for each one, so just read the rest of my detailed notes (and poorly done sketchwork) on these fascinating creatures. 


            Nockmaar          Gnosi

            Humans            Mutants 


     More on the dreary world; well, there are these massive wolf-like things...roughly the size of an Orca Whale, that the locals call 'Crocklava' and these cat-like beasts called Zethis (oh, yeah...these monsterous cat-things can turn invisible...the joy, the joy is palpable) There are skinless bears with chainsaws attached surgically to their hands (God only knows what the intention for these was) called Tarslavs, and the ugly, saggy realitive of our cosmic Greys called Weepers. There is also a delightfully large version of our world's sea urchin, albeit; with crab-like appendages that scurries around on the ground seeking warm flesh.

      Shortly put, this place makes me wish that all reality was virtual and that I will some day wake up with a baby bottle in my mouth and a portly woman in spandex-leather slapping my diapered behind.        


                                                 - JR


            So, the Wasteland, huh, you picked this one to look at, over all the others? Over the lushness of Terra 7 and the water-bound plains of Terra 2, you choose the most barren of the three. Well, fine. It was my duty to look into this one after all...

          This place seriously sucks; it's dry, weathered and, if I'm to be frank, a hellhole of eponymous proportions. Yet people still live there...I guess land, whatever form it takes, is still land. They struggle to cultivate a world that cares nothing for vegetation, I'm sorry, did I say cares nothing? I meant LOATHES. Not just that, but similar to the loathing that a fat mouse has for a small mousetrap, akin to the pain that seeing all those folks on segways cause me. No, I'm not against that, just 'ughh' It hates life like a frog detests having a bath with oil and spit. 

           I digress though, so much for the objective observer..

The Wasteland, as we've deemed it, is inhospitable, hateful, and downright mean to all things that drink water or attempt to live. However; there is a great order that seeks to bring a new balance to the world. They call themselves 'Archons', and no, I don't mean the kind that wear pointed hats and cowls; these are gunslingers to the word. They even look like Eastwood in those old westerns. Both men and women too, they are quick...sometimes inhmanly quick...and seem to hold great reverance for the normal people of this world. Think of them like champions of peace or some squat like that. Truth be told, they are kind of boring; but that's mostly personal...I find enigmas tedious and uninteresting. But they are just that, damned mysterious and as illuminati-esque as you please, illuminati with guns, and gunbelts, and hats, and goggles...


                             The Wasteland:

     Notes on Terra 4 by a disgruntled and annoyed writer.

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