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Developer Journals

I would like everyone to have a notebook for our next meeting; I would also like to take the first thirty minutes to recap some of the things from last week. I think we can all have notebooks for this project (and maybe the next if you don't fill it) to organize and design new ideas. Last Week's meeting was better than expected; and I thank all who showed. However; I am acutely aware that we need to have a unified understanding of the rules before we move forward at the true pace we need. I will be typing them up today in rough form. These will be the base mechanics of the game; to be added to, destroyed, or modified as development proceeds.

On that note; let's look at Factions.

There will be 15 factions within the base game; and more added with expansions. These factions should represent the FOUR main species of the Wasteland as well as the types of Non-Playable species (Processors, Warpers, Old Ones, EBEs etc...) We need to have a fluidly balanced pallete of races to make this world rich and alive for the average player. So far we have these as workable (meaning you may edit them) Factions that aid players.

1. The Devil's Herd (processors)

2. Feral Tribes (assorted species)

3. Gnosi Cleracy

4. Nockmaar Triumvirate

5. Mutant Tribes

6. Fayr Emirates (Traders)

7. Human Counsel (Diplomats)

8. Archons

9. Klein Company

10. Ward's Companions (Human Mercenaries)

11-15 are completely open; So bring ideas!!!

All Factions should have these things in common!!!

Retainer costs: The necessary followers, cards, resources, amount of territory, etc...that is needed to keep the faction at your side.

Restrictions: The things that will cause you to be unable to take/keep this faction. (E.G. If you control the Gnosi Cleracy you CANNOT have the Nockmaar Triumvirate as allies. BECAUSE THEY HATE EACH OTHER! )

Abilities: The reason you want factions; they provide new abilities and powers to your empire.

Rank: The comparative value/usefulness of this faction compared to others. (ranks 1-5)

Bonus: The extra resources, abilities, powers, money, followers, political cards, and territories that you MIGHT receive by either gaining the faction or completing an onboard objective.

Influence: Yet to be determined what it does!!! IDEAS WELCOME.

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